Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, 03 November, 2010: C2 Class

In this lesson, we learned some vocabulary:








Dining Room
Then, we practiced some grammar.  We learned subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive adjectives, and possessive pronouns.  The subject pronoun goes before the verb, and the object pronoun goes after the verb:

I saw John. / John saw me.
You saw John. / John saw you.
He saw John. / John saw him.
She saw John. / John saw her.
It saw John. / John saw it.
We saw John. / John saw us.
They saw John. / John saw them.

Here are the possessive adjectives and the possessive pronouns:

That's my house.  It's mine.
That's your house  It's yours.
That's his house.  It's his.
That's her house.  It's hers.
That's its house.
That's our house.  It's ours.
That's their house.  It's theirs.

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