Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday, 01 November, 2010: A1 Class

In this lesson, we looked at page 14 in our textbook.  We reviewed the problems that Sally, Danny, and Tome have:

Sally is desperate because she has tried all the diets and does not know how to lose weight.
Danny is lonely because he does not fit in at school.
Tom is shy because he is afraid of making a fool of himself.

Then, we talked about advice we could give to Sally, Danny, or Tom.  After we gave our own idea for advice, we read an email to Sally in our textbook.  We talked about the advice and we looked at specific sentences that introduce advice and reasons for the advice:

Sentences to introduce advice:
What you should do is eat a healthy diet.
You could exercise more.

Sentences to introduce justifications/reasons:
If you do this, you'll soon lose weight.
That way, you'll burn calories.

Then, we talked about opening remarks and closing remarks:

opening remarks --> the things you write at the beginning of an email or letter
closing remarks --> the things you write at the end of an email or letter

Finally, we read part of a letter from a pen friend and we worked in pairs to brainstorm advice we could give this friend.

Don't forget your homework!
Write a reply to the pen friend we were talking about at the end of class.  Give advice and give your reasons for that advice.  Don't forget to include opening remarks, a main body, and closing remarks!

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