Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scholarship Information for International Students to Study Abroad

Now is the time to start thinking about your future!  I know many of you are planning on going to university after high school.  I know that many of you are planning on attending universities in Mongolia, but I've heard a couple of students say that they want to study abroad, so I did just a (very little bit of) research and I found to websites to help you start looking at scholarship information:

Scholarship information for CANADA
Scholarship information for USA

Of course, this is just to help you get started, and it would be a good idea to check the websites of the schools you are interested in attending to see if there are other scholarship opportunities which are not listed on these websites or to keep your eyes (and ears) open for scholarships from within Mongolia to send Mongolian students abroad to study.

Also,if you have a question about studying in Canada or about university in general (such as what is university like, how should you study, what should you study, etc), don't be shy!  You can ask me, and I will do my best to give you the answers you need.  If I don't know the answer to your question, I will do my best to help you find the answer!

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