Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday, 01 November, 2010: B1 Class

In this lesson, we read about where the students stay at home and have their lessons on the radio.  Some vocabulary we learned:

air --> what is all around us, what we breathe, what we need to live
the air -->the radio.  Invisible radio waves travel through air to your radio so you can hear the news and music.
You are on the air.  -> You are on the radio.

Then, we made a word web.  We brainstormed all the words we could think of that had to do with school:

SCHOOL: quiz / think / IQ / computer / cafeteria / book / notebooks / lessons / pens / pencils / eraser / bag / backpack / ruler / homework / listen / teacher / weekends / write / students / exercise / school days / tests / learn

Finally, we read the article "School of the Air", and talked about some difficult vocabulary:

resources --> a source of supply or aid to help you accomplish something (resources include things like a computer, the internet, books, pens, pencils, paper, people, etc)
prepare --> get ready for something.  Teachers prepare lessons.  Students prepare for a test.
communicate --> talk with someone through talking, writing, etc.
fax --> like a big telephone that allows you to send documents (letters)
strange --> different or weird
isolated --> very remote; far from other people.
attend --> go to

Next time: we will re-read the article "School of the Air" and we will talk about it some more.

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