Monday, November 1, 2010

Tuesday, 02 November, 2010: B1 Class

In this lesson, we reviewed the article "School of the Air".  We reviewed the difficutl vocabulary from yesterday (resources / prepare / communicate / fax / strange / isolated / attend), and we talked about some new difficult vocabulary from the article:

each --> every
nearest --> closest
area --> a big space of land, possibly like an aimag
kind --> type
private --> individual, personal, not public

After we finished the "School of the Air" article, we started to read an article about Beethoven.  Some words that came up in the Beethoven article were:

heroism --> the act of being a hero
pneumonia --> a very bad flu (if it is serious enough, people can die from it)
eldest = oldest
success --> having accomplished very impressive achievements
joyful --> the quality of being very happy
published --> have your writing printed in a book or magazine which is sold to the public
Mozart --> another famous composer; Beethoven's teacher
optimistic --> positive, thinking good things will happen
deep feelings --> very serious feelings



Beethoven Action Figure-- Beethoven is a hero, too!

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