Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thursday, 04 November, 2010: A2 Class

In this lesson, we reviewed the article "School of the Air", and then we talked about some vocabulary to introduce the article about Beethove on page 14.

calm -->  free from excitement; tranquil; still or nearly still
lonely --> a depressing feeling of being alone
pessimistic --> gloomy; thinking the worst will happen
cheerful --> happy
depressed --> extremely sad
angry --> mad
sad --> unhappy
confused --> perplexed or bewildered; not know what is happening
joyful --> happy, full of joy
optimistic --> take a favourable view of events; expect good things to happen
upset --> to disturb mentally or emotionally; perturb
excited --> emotionally stirred, agitated
heroic --> something a hero does

Don't forget your homework!
Using three of the vocabulary words from today, write three sentences. (Due on Saturday)

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