Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, 22 November, 2010: A1 Class

In this class, we did some partner talking.  Some vcabulary from this lesson was:

queue --> British English for "line-up"
line-up --> when people wait patiently one after the other in a line or row for their turn for a service
bushes --> like small trees
exhaust fumes --> the smoke that comes out of the pipe at the back of your car
personal space --> the area around yourself.  Different cultures have very different ideas about what is acceptable for personal space.  In Canada, we like to have a lot of personal space, but in most Asian countries, personal space seems to be a much smaller area around your body.
mall --> a big building where there are many stores to shop in

Don't forget your homework!
Ha!  You actually don't have any homework today!

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