Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to post a comment on blogger

It has come to my attention that some of the students have tried to post comments on this blog (yay!) but found it extremely difficult (boo-urns!).  I think the easiest way to post a comment on this blog is probably to create your own blogger account.  Here's what you have to do:

  1. Create a gmail account.  The only email account that blogger will allow you to create a blog with is gmail, so you must create a gmail account.  To do this, go to www.gmail.com and click on the button that says "create account"
  2. Then, go to www.blogger.com and click on the orange button that says "Create a blog".  Follow all the steps needed to create a blog.
  3. Once you have created a blog, you can follow blogs.  You can choose to follow my blog and Altaa-teacher's blog.  Then, everytime you log onto blogger.com, you will see if we have updated new posts.  Also, you should be able to make comments on our posts if you are signed in to your blogger blog. 
  4. Finally, once you have created a blogger account, you can use your blog to write (in English or Mongolian) about anything you want.  Have fun with it!

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