I hear many Mongolians pronounce /v/ as /w/, but in English, these are two different sounds. To make the v-sound, we have to bite our bottom lip as we breathe out. You might feel silly at first, but I promise you that this is the only way to make this sound and this is what English speakers do (whether they realise it or not). Next time you have class with me (or next time you have the chance to speak with another native speaker of English), watch my lips, and you will see that I often bite the bottom lip as I make the /v/ or /f/ sounds. Here are some tongue twisters to help you practice this sound (the last three are particularly good practice, as they contain both the /v/ and the /w/ sounds):
Vinny visits Vincent in his van.
Vincent vowed vengeance very vehemently.
Vincent the very vivacious vacuuming vampire visited Victor Von Viking the vegetarian veterinarian vacationing in Valentine Valley.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy,
Was he?
The very wary warrior veered violently where the violets wound very wickedly.
Wilma virtually wishes every weekend for very wild weather.
Which very evil witch vowed to woo the very wonderful Prince VanWaverly?
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